Poppies and Pain
Drugs have wrought havoc in Kachin State. Despite over 50 years of on-going warfare for independence from Myanmar, more Kachin people have died from drug-related problems than from the armed conflict.

Choosing Him
Pope Francis has chosen the motto "Miserando atque eligendo," meaning lowly but chosen; literally in Latin "by having mercy, by choosing Him." I was reminded at a Lenten recollection facilitated by another Columban priest that only those who experienced real mercy will also be able to show so muc
Fr. Kurt Zion Pala
February 19, 2018
Reflections on Formation
In February 2015, I was appointed vice-rector to the Columban formation program in Korea. Just like any journey, my journey into formation ministry has been a step into the unknown. Along the way everything seemed new and, as a result, I felt anxious and excited at the same time.
Fr. Jude Genovia
February 19, 2018
Mercy and Justice
On this 100-year anniversary of the Missionary Society of St. Columban, we lift up the Gospel values of mercy and justice at the heart of Columban mission.
Scott Wright
February 17, 2018
On Mission in the Philippines
Movements and changes continue in the Philippines, at this time of celebration of 100 years of the Society of St. Columban. By God's grace we continue our mission of spreading God's love, especially with those on the margins.
Arlenne Villahermosa
February 16, 2018
Missionary Sisters of St. Columban
Our story of the Missionary Sisters of St. Columban traditionally begins with the words, "It was because two people shared a vision and answered a similar call that the Missionary Sisters of St. Columban came to be." Those two people were Fr. John Blowick and Frances Moloney.
Sr. An Gray
February 14, 2018
Constant Flame of Love
Anniversaries frequently have symbols associated with them like silver for 25 and gold for 50.
Amy Woolam Echeverria
February 14, 2018
Fostering Unity and Diversity
As Columban missionaries celebrating our centennial, we look back with gratitude to God and to you, our benefactors, who have so generously supported us and our work for the past one hundred years. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our cofounders, Bishop Edward Galvin and Fr. John Blowick for their
Fr. Patrick Raleigh
February 14, 2018
The China Formation Committee
The Missionary Society of St. Columban was founded in 1918 for evangelization in China. The first Columban Fathers went to China in 1920 and began work in Hanyang. The Columban Sisters began work in China in 1926.
Fr. Eamon O'Brien
February 12, 2018
Missionary Pioneer of Motion Pictures
Richard Ranaghan was born in Killough, Co. Down, Ireland, in 1889. He was ordained in 1914 and ministered in the Diocese of Down and Connor until he joined the Missionary Society of St. Columban in 1917.
Columban Missionaries
February 9, 2018
China Today
In 1954 Fr. Edward MacElroy became the last Columban of that era to leave China.
Fr. Dan Troy
February 7, 2018
Sharing Gospel Joy
It is truly a joy for the Missionary Society of St. Columban to be celebrating our centenary. We give thanks to God and all those who have supported us.
Fr. Kevin O'Neill
February 5, 2018
In So Many Words
Since our founding in 1918, the Society has published a magazine, first under the title of The Far East, while it is now known as Columban Mission.

Sharing Gospel Joy
This year, as Columban missionaries celebrate a century of mission, we pause to look back and marvel at the abundance of God's blessings.